Humantechnik lisa RF doorbell transmitter
The wireless doorbell transmitter for your Humantechnik lisa RF signal system detects the ringing at the door and sends a radio signal to all receivers of your lisa signal system within its radio range. In addition, the doorbell transmitter is equipped with a pager button.
The Humantechnik lisa RF doorbell transmitter is available with two connection options - galvanic (electrical) or acoustic.
When using the acoustic connection, simply stick the supplied, self-adhesive microphone directly onto the signal transmitter of your doorbell and place the doorbell transmitter next to it. As soon as the doorbell rings, the microphone recognizes the sound and transmits it to the doorbell transmitter.
Alternatively, the Humantechnik lisa wireless doorbell transmitter can also be connected directly to the signal transmitter of your doorbell (galvanic/electrical connection). Simply connect the doorbell transmitter and doorbell wiring with the included cable. The ringing of the doorbell is now transmitted to the doorbell transmitter via cable and converted into corresponding radio signals.
Please note: a signal system for hearing impaired people consists of at least one transmitter and one receiver! All system components of the wireless lisa series are fully compatible with each other.